naphthalene in drinking water standard

naphthalene in drinking water standard
Naphthalene - Proposed Re-evaluation Decision Document.naphthalene in drinking water standard
Naphthalene in Virginia - EWG Tap Water Database 2009.
Mar 1, 2013. Drinking water standards are called maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). MCLs are found in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.
Naphthalene - EWG Tap Water Database 2009.
91203 - Spectrum Laboratories Inc.
Chemicals and Contaminants in Drinking Water.
EWG Tap Water Database 2009.
National Drinking Water Database. Naphthalene is an intermediate in chemical manufacturing, a moth repellent, a fungicide. Standard, Description, Level.
IDEM: Naphthalene Addition to PAH List - State of Indiana.
9 water utilities reported detecting Naphthalene in tap water since 2004, according to EWG's analysis of water. Ranked by highest average Naphthalene level .

Naphthalene; Albocarbon; Dezodorator; Moth flakes; Naphthalin; Naphthaline;. 502.2 MegaMix Standard. Drinking Water Semivolatiles at 10ng on Rxi-1ms.
Effect of Scale During Electrochemical Degradation of Naphthalene. - Google Books Result.