when to gauge ears 8 6

Stretching from an 8 gauge to a six gauge? - Yahoo! Answers.
when to gauge ears 8 6
I have size 8 gauges in my ears, is there a safe way I can shrink.
How do I stretch my ears correctly? - Yahoo! Answers.
How to Stretch Your Ears Pain Free: 6 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow.
when to gauge ears 8 6
I am trying to gauge my ears from 8 to 6.? - Yahoo! Answers.If you already have pierced ears, you should figure out what gauge your. 6. Finally, how do you actually do the stretching? First, make sure your hands, .
Firstly, you are "stretching" your holes. You do not "gauge" something, but it has a gauge. Secondly, it seems likely that your jewelry is double flared.
How long can until I stretch to the next size? (12g) 6. If I take out the .. I have my ears stretched to 1/2 inch and working on going to 5/8 n.
So. I am planning on stretching my ears up to a 6…. for using pinchers. just wait another week or so and you stretch will be great =] good luck .
Can I go straight to 8 gauges from peirced ears safely? - Yahoo.
Jun 27, 2007. I then stretched to 8 gauge and got hoops once again to gain the small benefit of . However, after 6 gauge was so easy, I decided that my ears .
. waiting a minimum of 6-8 weeks in between each stretch although you might find. People message me constantly asking me about how to stretch their ears .
Mar 31, 2012. When stretching your ears, you should wait a minimum of 6-8 weeks before attempting to stretch up one size, and you should never, under any .

How long does it take to Gauge your ears to 6 gauge? - Yahoo! Answers.
4 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Stretching Your Ears - Yahoo.